Fishing in the middle of Sweden

Jack Van De Mortel and Ton Daamens visite to Sörgimma and Dellendröm!

Jack Van De Mortel and Ton Daamens visite to Sörgimma and Dellendröm!


During 14-21:th of may Jack Van de Mortel and Ton Daamen, sportfishermen from Holland, visited fims area!

Jack van de Mortel is a famous sportfisherman from Holland, who works as a consultant
for brands like Pure Fishing. (ABU, Svart Zonker. Berkley, Sebile, Greys, Mitchel) and
is cooperating with Cordes Travel.
They where here and testing new fims destination with virgin waters, for the dutch travel agency Cordes Travel. Guided by our fims guide, Jessica Dolk. This trip went well and we had an evaluation the last day, where they gave us good value, with nice feeling of this destination. They didnt want to go home again! Nice pikes, good catches, biggest one 110 cm! And a bonus fish, a browntrout 84 cm!


Its mainly pike and perch fishing in good numbers. A location with a nice quiet place, a real virgin area in Hudiksvall municipality, with a selfcatering house directly to a small lake calls Sörgimmsjön. In nearby there are several lakes which include this product.


Its mainly pike and perch fishing in good numbers. A location with a nice quiet place, a real virgin area in Hudiksvall municipality, with a modern totally new selfcatering houses directly to the big lake North Dellen. In nearby there are several lakes which include this product.


Downbelow we had some pictures from this trip. Pictures from Jack and Ton, please enjoy.

#Virgin area#listen to the nature# unexploated area#

This is Fims!



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