Fishing in the middle of Sweden

Martin Elversson, FIMS guide from Cottage in Hälsingland

A report from Eventur’s trial fishing trip 10-17 March


Our partner Eventur from Poland visited us between 10-17 March to do some ice fishing for pike and perch – naturally C&R. They also met some of our guides and lodging hosts.

Eventur visited Cottage in Hälsingland (with Freluga Golf & River Lodge), Långsbo Island and Bagarstugan. The FIMS guides were Martin Elversson, Tobias Sigvardsson, Jessica Dolk, and Simon and Björn Ingvald. During the trip they made some nice catches, including pike and perch. The largest pike was 105 cm and around 8.5kg!

The weather varied from snowstorm to beautiful sunny weather. But overall, it was a great experience where the guides prepared outdoor lunches for the Eventur team. See some photos from the trip below.

Kind regards, FIMS


