Our partner Eventur from Poland visited us between 10-17 March to do some ice fishing for pike and perch – naturally C&R. They also met some of our guides and lodging hosts.
Eventur visited Cottage in Hälsingland (with Freluga Golf & River Lodge), Långsbo Island and Bagarstugan. The FIMS guides were Martin Elversson, Tobias Sigvardsson, Jessica Dolk, and Simon and Björn Ingvald. During the trip they made some nice catches, including pike and perch. The largest pike was 105 cm and around 8.5kg!
The weather varied from snowstorm to beautiful sunny weather. But overall, it was a great experience where the guides prepared outdoor lunches for the Eventur team. See some photos from the trip below.
Kind regards, FIMS
Martin Elversson, FIMS guide from Cottage in Hälsingland
Martin Elversson preparing lunch outdoors for the Eventur team
Martin had his snowmobile to serve the Eventur team
Martin preparing baked pancake with pork and lingon jam
The Eventur team searching for perch with sonar
Eventur fishing for perch while waiting for pike
Eventur with a 75 cm pike in a snowstorm
Långsbo Island
Tobias Sigvardsson, FIMS guide from Långsbo Island
Jessica Dolk, FIMS guide from Långsbo Island
Långsbo Island main building
Night time view over the main building
A hot tube evening at Långsbo Island
Tobias Sigvardsson preparing lunch outdoors – elk and reindeer in bread wraps
Eventur with a pike on the way up
Eventur with a 105 cm pike!
Jessica Dolk with everything for guiding Eventur on a sunny day
Simon Ingvald, FIMS guide from Bagarstugan
Pike fishing
Eventur with a perch in sunny weather
Simon Ingvald fims guide at Bagarstugan with a nice pike
Simon&Björn Ingvald preparing hamburger outdoors for Eventur team
Eventur with a nice pike in a sunny weather!
Another pike
The team Eventur with FIMS guides Simon & Björn Ingvald
Silence in a virgin area, this is FIMS
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