During 27/5-3:rd of june Zdenek Edelmann, the owner of the agency Pepa Travel from Czech Republic was here for testfishing. Zdenek was here with a group of 6 persons, journalists and clients. They stayed at fims destination Knubbens Gård in Bollnäs municipality! Fims guide Martin Elversson who cooperate with Knubbens Gård, guided the group for two days, one day at lake Herten and one day at lake Voxsjön. Even showed Zdenek other fishing waters in nearby area, one of them was Gässlingen.
The group fished 4 fully days on lake Herten, 2 fully days on lake Voxsjon and even some hours on lake Gasslingen and tried put and take, trout lakes Lapptjärn and Hundtjärnarna.
In total it was a good trip and one day we took Zdenek on a field trip. A trip to visite some other fims destinations for testing this autumn and next spring, Cottage in Hälsingland with Freluga Golf&River Lodge, Villa Solsidan, Wildlife Sweden and last the new fims destination Sundholmen Island in Ljusdal municipality.
#Virgin area#nature-fishing-living#silence# be by your self on the waters#2-3 hours from Sthlm Arlanda airport#this is fims#
Pics from this trip
Downbelow some pictures from the trip, enjoy!