Fishing in the middle of Sweden

Testfishing trips


Eventurs testfishing trip to members of fims, Lillbo and Gläntan!

During 2-9/9 2017, our business partner Eventur , travel agency from Poland, visited fims area in Ovanåker municipality! Eventur was here and testing our new fims members destinations “Lillbo” and “Gläntan” with the virgin water Långrösten in Lillbo, and Mållången at “Gläntan”. Fishing for pike, perch and zander (Långrösten) aswell. In Lillbo they stayed in […]

Eventurs testfishing trip to members of fims, Lillbo and Gläntan! Läs mer »

Leon Godijk and Rudy Van Duijnhovens visite to Jössebo Vildmarkscamp!

Summary During 10-17/6 Leon Godijk and Rudy Van Duijnhoven, fly fishing sportfishermen from the Netherlands, visited fims area in Ovanåker municipality! Leon Godijk is a advisor for the Department of Justice and Safety. He has been flyfishing for 37 years oll over the world. He is a FFF CI and he has been teaching fly

Leon Godijk and Rudy Van Duijnhovens visite to Jössebo Vildmarkscamp! Läs mer »

Willem Romeijn sportfiskegäst från Hollandpx

Willem Romeijn and Nick Wentink at fims new destination Bagarstugan!

Summary During 27/5-3:rd of june Willem Romeijn and Nick Wentink, sportfishermen from the Netherlands, visited fims area in Nordanstig municipality! Willem Romeijn, fishing enthousiast! Mostly fish for predator fish like perch, zander and pike. Love to fly fish for pike too. Next to the fishing he making videos. You can find them on my Youtube

Willem Romeijn and Nick Wentink at fims new destination Bagarstugan! Läs mer »

SummaryfromPepaTravelsvisite/ /!

Summary from Pepa Travels visite 27/5-3/6!

Summary During 27/5-3:rd of june Zdenek Edelmann, the owner of the agency Pepa Travel from Czech Republic was here for testfishing. Zdenek was here with a group of 6 persons, journalists and clients. They stayed at fims destination Knubbens Gård in Bollnäs municipality! Fims guide Martin Elversson who cooperate with Knubbens Gård, guided the group

Summary from Pepa Travels visite 27/5-3/6! Läs mer »


Marco Kraal and Rick Stalenhoefs visite to fims new destination “Gulludden”!

Summary During 18-24:th of may Marco Kraal and Rick Stalenhoef, sportfishermen from Holland, visited fims area in söderhamn municipality! Marco Kraal is a presentor for VisTV (‘fishtv’). A Dutch Angling program and also a presentor for Studio VisTv, a talkshow about angling. Marco is a fishery biologist, journalist and editor in chief of Visionair (Magazine

Marco Kraal and Rick Stalenhoefs visite to fims new destination “Gulludden”! Läs mer »

Jack Van De Mortel and Ton Daamens visite to Sörgimma and Dellendröm!

Jack Van De Mortel and Ton Daamens visite to Sörgimma and Dellendröm!

Summary During 14-21:th of may Jack Van de Mortel and Ton Daamen, sportfishermen from Holland, visited fims area! Jack van de Mortel is a famous sportfisherman from Holland, who works as a consultant for brands like Pure Fishing. (ABU, Svart Zonker. Berkley, Sebile, Greys, Mitchel) and is cooperating with Cordes Travel. They where here and

Jack Van De Mortel and Ton Daamens visite to Sörgimma and Dellendröm! Läs mer »


Its soon time for the first testfishing trip, our new destination “Sörgimma”!

During 14-21:th of may Jack Van de Mortel from Holland visite fims area! He gonna test our first new destination open water fishing, for this year! Sörgimma We call it Sörgimma. Its mainly Pike and perch fishing. A location with a nice quiet place, a real virgin area in Hudiksvall municipality, with a selfcatering house

Its soon time for the first testfishing trip, our new destination “Sörgimma”! Läs mer »

Summary, testfishingtrip icefishing with Pike Master Lures!

During 7 to 15:th of march, we had three sportfishermen on a visite from the fishing company Pike Lures Master, Holland. Evert Oostdam, Barry Turk and Daniel Weyers. This is an cooperation testfishingtrip between Fims, Pike Master Lures and the Dutch travel agency Cordes Travel. They were here as our guests and tested icefishing for

Summary, testfishingtrip icefishing with Pike Master Lures! Läs mer »