Fishing in the middle of Sweden


Eventurs testfishing trip to members of fims, Lillbo and Gläntan!

During 2-9/9 2017, our business partner Eventur , travel agency from Poland, visited fims area in Ovanåker municipality!

Eventur was here and testing our new fims members destinations “Lillbo” and “Gläntan” with the virgin water Långrösten in Lillbo, and Mållången at “Gläntan”. Fishing for pike, perch and zander (Långrösten) aswell.

In Lillbo they stayed in “Lillbo” cabin, A cabin up to 5 persons. Fims guide Benny Backeby guided them for one day at the lake Långrösten.

In “Gläntan” they stayed in “Kalles cabin”,  2-4 persons cabin. Fims guide Andreas Persson guided

them one day at the lake Mållången.

Eventur also did a field trip to Cottage in Hälsingland, who also have a destination at the other side of the lake Mållången. An uniqe mountain pasture, calls Per-Ols.

They catched nice perches, lots of them over 40 cm, biggest 48cm! Several pikes over one meter, biggest 108! and some nice zander aswell (in the lake Långrösten)!

A big thanks to Eventur, Gläntan, Lillbo, Cottage in Hälsingland and fims guides Andreas and Benny. Even to all Hälsingland municipalities and Region Gävleborg that made this testtrip possible to implement!


Downbelow we have some pictures from this trip. Pictures from Eventur.

#Virgin area#listen to the nature# unexploated area#

This is Fims!

Tomek with a really beauty!
Fims guide Benny Backeby inform Eventur, before the guide day on the lake Långrösten.
Fims guide Andreas Persson in his guide boat Alumacraft. Andreas guided Eventur one day on the lake Mållången.
Lunch time!