During 18-24:th of may Marco Kraal and Rick Stalenhoef, sportfishermen from Holland, visited fims area in söderhamn municipality! Marco Kraal is a presentor for VisTV (‘fishtv’). A Dutch Angling program and also a presentor for Studio VisTv, a talkshow about angling. Marco is a fishery biologist, journalist and editor in chief of Visionair (Magazine about fisheries, -management and –policies)
Marco Kraal on Twitter: (@Marco_Kraal)
Rick is an specialist in zander fishing and have over 10 years been in
the open dutch zander competition with good
results, 2 times 5th overall and 1 time 6th overall. He has also for 2 years got a pro angler for the fishing brain Fox Rage.
Marco and Rick where here and testing the new fims destination “Gulludden” with virgin waters, for the dutch travel agency Cordes Travel. Guided by our fims guides, Andreas Persson and Magnus Flink. This trip went well and we had an evaluation the last day, where they gave us good value, with nice feeling of this destination. They had really fun and liked the idea to have a boat on trailer and move to different waters in nearby area. Nice Zanders, some pikes with good catches. In this product its include waters like a bay in the see, the small river Lötån, lake Florsjön, lake Marmen and lake Bergviken. All waters in 30 minutes to drive.
Located in Söderhamn municipality. Nice top modern house up to 6 beds, with selfcatering and all facilities you can expect. Veranda with roof and at Gulludden you can be by your self, and not disturbing from any neighbours. If you have your own boat its enough space to have it directly outside the house, no problem. Gulludden will be included in Cordes Travel program this autumn!
Downbelow we have some pictures from this trip. Pictures from Marco and Rick, please enjoy.
#Virgin area#listen to the nature# unexploated area#
This is Fims!