Fishing in the middle of Sweden

Summary, testfishingtrip icefishing with Pike Master Lures!

During 7 to 15:th of march, we had three sportfishermen on a visite from the fishing company Pike Lures Master, Holland. Evert Oostdam, Barry Turk and Daniel Weyers. This is an cooperation testfishingtrip between Fims, Pike Master Lures and the Dutch travel agency Cordes Travel.

They were here as our guests and tested icefishing for pike, C & R. They did it with 4 of our Fims guides; Sonny Wiberg, Martin Elversson, Danne Persson and Jessica Dolk.

We tried different kind of lakes and they dwelt in 4 of our fims Lodgings; Kungsholmen, Cottage in Hälsingland, Riverwild Fishing & Lodgings and Långsbo.

During this trip we also did an own ice fishing movie, a Fims movie! Tobias Ekvall from Channel Free had been tasked to do this. The movie will be on when it is ready, so keep your eyes open!

For one day the team also tried dogsled!  Guided by the dogsleds company Sweden Husky Tours! Amazing!

Downbelow is a collage of images from this hole amazing unforgettable trip!

A big thanks to Fims guides, Lodgings and all Hälsingland municipalities and Region Gävleborg that made tihs trip possible to implement!

// Fims

Day 1-2 at Kungsholmen with Fims guide Sonny Wiberg:


Day 3-4 at Cottage in Hälsingland with Fims guide Martin Elversson:


Day 5-6 at Riverwild Fishing&Lodgings with Fims guide Danne Persson:


Day 7-8 at Långsbo with Fims guide Jessica Dolk: